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AccuAmp SYBR Green qPCR Master Mixes



AccuAmp SYBR Green qPCR Master Mixes are 2X concentrated, ready-to-use reaction cocktails that contain all components, except primers and template, for real-time quantative PCR. The master mixes provide highly specific and sensitive real-time quantification of genomic DNA or cDNA targets using SYBR Green I. Since SYBR Green dye binds to all double-stranded DNA, it is crucial to reduce/ avoid any nonspecific products and primer–dimers generated during amplification. AccuAmp SYBR Green qPCR Master Mixes promote highly specific annealing of primers to the PCR template through our unique combination of proprietary buffer, stabilizers, and specially modified hot-start Taq DNA polymerase, which prevents any polymerase activity before heat activation, thereby eliminating amplification of nonspecific products.

Real-time PCR Instrument Compatibility

Different Real-time PCR instruments employ different strategies for normalization of fluorescent signals and correction of well-to-well optical variations. It is critical to match appropriate qPCR reagent to your specific instrument according to the table below. 


Compatible Instruments

AccuAmp SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix/ ROX

Applied Biosystems 5700, 7000, 7300, 7700, 7900HT, 7900HT Fast, StepOne, StepOne Plus

AccuAmp SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix/ Low ROX

Applied Biosystems 7500, 7500 Fast, ViiA 7;
Stratagene Mx3000P, Mx3005P, Mx4000

AccuAmp SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix/ Fluorescein

BioRad iCycler iQ, iQ5, MyiQ, MyiQ2

AccuAmp SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix

BioRad Chromo4, Opticon, MiniOpticon, CFX96, CFX384; Roche LightCycler 480; Eppendorf Mastercycler ep realplex; Qiagen Corbett Rotor-Gene; Cepheid SmartCycler


Performance Data

A. High Sensitivity and Amplification efficiency Over a wild dynamic Range
Detection of human GAPDH using AccuAmp SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix

AmpCurve1   GAPDH Standard Curve

B. Comparison Data: Higher Sensitivity and Lower Ct
Detection of human RPL13A with the same serial dilutions of cDNA

Gene Scientific


Major Supplier A

Accugen RPL13A Amplification curve   CompetitorA RPL13A Amplification Curve

C. Comparison Data: Higher Specificity


Gene Scientific


Major Supplier A

Accugen THBS2 Melting Curve   CompetitorA THBS2 Melting Curve
Accugen MMP16 Melting Curve   Competitor A MMP16 Melting Curve